hello welcome to my web sight

Things are extremely under construction at the moment and I have no idea when I'll have the time to finish all this but the good Lord will provide, hopefully. 

Basically there's three main pages here:

1. What will eventually be a detailed run-through of the earlier postage stamps of Iraq;

2. Other stamps I find attractive. This'll jump around countries and eras according to my aesthetic discriminations and very little else, and;

3. Old paperwork, mostly of the legal variety.

All scans are my own unless otherwise stated: stamps are done at 1200dpi, other stuff at 600dpi, and then everything gets poked around with in Photoshop a good deal. 

Cover picture courtesy of the Library of Congress


30/05/24: Duvalierville
04/06/23: The military uniforms of Zaire, part I and part II
09/04/23: (An attempt at) the military uniforms of Equatorial Guinea in the Macias era
31/03/23: The Dominican Civil War
18/12/22: The Tanzanian forces of the Kagera War.
17/09/22: The military uniforms of the Central African Empire, part II
06/08/22: An attempt at saying something about Iraqi rates.
05/03/22: The military uniforms of the Central African Empire, part I
26/03/22: Images on the Iraq pages should all now be fixed. Also, further uploads have taken me past one hundred Iraq covers — item no. 100 is the Baghdad 12 April 1973 item here.
23/06/22: Iraq, part XVIII. Many images unfortunately still broken, please do bear with me…..
08/05/21: Iran!
05/04/21: Iraq, part XIV
15/03/21: Germans with jobs
06/02/21: Iraq, part II, much revised and enlarged.
03/01/21: Iraq, part XIII. And a few new covers.
14/08/20: First “other country stamps” page in over three years, somehow — the charming posthorns of West Germany.
15/06/20: Another large expansion, to Iraq, part IV.
13/06/20: Significantly expanded Iraq, part III.
24/05/20: First new page in over two years! Iraq, part XII. Lots of new covers on the covers page as well.

27/01/18: 9th Thermidor, 1794
29/07/17: Some contemporary engraving from Sweden
30/04/17: France: the infamous Dumouriez, 1793
22/04/17: France: death and confiscation of property, 1794
31/03/17: Re-written Iraq, part II

27/11/16: Iraq, parts X and XI
19/11/16: Iraq, part IX
12/11/16: Early Dutch issues
05/11/16: Iraq, part VIII

30/07/16: Austrian Netherlands: an imperial edict, 1725
16/07/16: Re-written Iraq, part V
03/07/16: Completely re-written Iraq, part III
19/06/16: Tibet!
11/06/16: Ireland: a lease of premises in Belfast, 1846
29/05/16: Iraq, part VII
15/05/16: Bosnia: pictorial issue, 1906-1912
07/05/16: Iraq, part VI
06/05/16: Netherlands: portrait of Cornelis Cort, 1649
19/04/16: England: a letter to Lord Macartney, 1780
10/04/16: Ireland: a military power of attorney, 1865
08/04/16: France: "La Patrie en Danger," 1792
26/03/16: France: an Act of the Legislative Assembly, 1792